![Nour Hassan: How To Be THE Girl Part 2 [solo] Artwork](https://www.buzzsprout.com/rails/active_storage/representations/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCRWlMSndnPSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--9cba4197b09b4fdd83f492c30814060fa8353128/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9MWm05eWJXRjBPZ2hxY0djNkUzSmxjMmw2WlY5MGIxOW1hV3hzV3docEFsZ0NhUUpZQW5zR09nbGpjbTl3T2d0alpXNTBjbVU2Q25OaGRtVnlld1k2REhGMVlXeHBkSGxwUVRvUVkyOXNiM1Z5YzNCaFkyVkpJZ2x6Y21kaUJqb0dSVlE9IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJ2YXJpYXRpb24ifX0=--1924d851274c06c8fa0acdfeffb43489fc4a7fcc/RC%20Podcast%20Post%20(2).png)
The Curation by Nour Hassan
The Curation, formerly Radical Contemporary, is a Digital Curator and Podcast based between Cairo, Dubai & Jeddah. We curate everything from art, fashion, and design, to culture, wellness and tech to present you with only the best brands, founders, products and pioneers.
The Curation by Nour Hassan
Nour Hassan: How To Be THE Girl Part 2 [solo]
Are you ready to become the girl of your dreams? Break free from societal norms and trends as we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal style. Our founder Nour Hassan guides you through cultivating a unique aesthetic that speaks to your individuality. Forget TikTok trends; let's focus on building a wardrobe and lifestyle that align with your genuine self. Whether you're drawn to patterns, block colors, or minimalism, we’ll emphasize living authentically and independently in a world that's constantly connected.
• Importance of detachment for individuality
• Curating a personal style that reflects your true self
• The Artist's Way: nurturing creativity through self-dates
• Journaling with morning pages for clarity
• Waking up early to set the tone for your week
• Power of silence and listening
• Curating life by surrounding yourself with inspirational people
• The necessity of being your authentic self over societal expectations
For more curated content follow @the.curation.pod.
Welcome to the Curation, a show for the culturally curious. This is your host, noor Hassan. Each week, I'll guide you through a curated edit of the finest in art, fashion, design, culture, luxury, wellness, tech and more. This is your go-to space for discovering trailblazing ideas, untold stories and meaningful conversations with innovators and creators who are shaping our world. There's no gatekeeping here, so sit back, tune in and let's discover only the best together, together. Hey guys, welcome to the Curated by Noor podcast.
Speaker 1:This solo episode is especially for you guys, but it's mainly for the girls. Actually, this one is the how to be the girl episode up. You guys wanted a part part two, so now I have some notes on my phone that I'm gonna run through now with you guys on how to be the girl. Okay, this episode is one of my favorites that I ever recorded and it starts with a really important point. This point is something that really it's not easy, but if you can master it, then you're on your way. The first thing is detachment, the most important thing if you're trying to be the girl of your dreams, to try to build your character, to be unique, which is really difficult in Yemen, because now we have TikTok and everyone looks the same and dresses the same and talks the same and has the same makeup and everything is the same. And trust me when I tell you this is not attractive to guys, because at the end of the day like I'm sorry if a guy wants to pick you out out of a group of girls, he's going to look and see that you're the exact same as every single other one.
Speaker 1:How is that a differentiating point? The very first thing I want you to do is go back and think to yourself what is my personal style? Honestly, I went through a phase where I was very much into sort of eccentric dressing. I liked being maximalist, I liked that sort of vibe, and now I'm more into my minimalist era. But this does not mean that I try to follow the trends of the times. I just feel like that's what makes me happy and makes me more comfortable. But I think the very first thing to get down is your aesthetic. Then let's be real. Looks do matter and the way you present yourself matters.
Speaker 1:But my main, main and first point about how to be the girl is to curate your wardrobe. Figure out what you like. Like, what is it that you like? Patterns me personally. You will never find me in patterns, but maybe you you like block colors, monochrome, maybe you're more of a tomboy, maybe you like I don't know dresses. Whatever it is. You need to figure out an aesthetic that is yours, not a TikTok aesthetic, not an aesthetic that you've copied off of another influencer, but something that's truly your own. My second point is detachment, but something that's truly your own. My second point is detachment.
Speaker 1:So if you're going to be the girl that you have always dreamed of, the woman that you will look up to, you need to make sure that you're your own individual person. You're not attached to the habits and routines of your partner, your best friend, your mom. You need to find an individualistic way of living. Calm. You need to find an individualistic way of living and, the end of the day, we're all attached to other people. You, you don't live alone. You're not in your own world. You're in the world with everyone else.
Speaker 1:So it's a really tough one, but the way I found and then I'm genuinely I'm trying to build this habit is and no, I try and make sure that at least once a week I have something that I took from a book called the artist's way. It's not the artist's date. Okay, the book the artist's way. I cannot recommend it enough. Guys, this is one of the books that I feel like can really change your life. It's by Julia Cameron and it is a book that teaches you two main things, and these two things I'm going to teach you in this episode today, and the first one is the artist's date. For me, women have a lot of feminine energy. We have feminine and masculine, but at the end of the day, we are very creative creatures, and for you to really tap into that creativity, into your detachment, your individuality you're not stuck to other people and their routines and everything attachment, your individuality, you're not stuck to other people and their routines and everything you need to tap into your own artist, your own creative, your own feminine energy. Which basically means take yourself out on a date every week. What does this entail? Literally, pick something you love to do, even if it's Pilates, a coffee date, whatever it is, I don't know what you like do that for an hour every week. It will change your life. The second thing is called morning pages. Morning pages is one of the main tips that I give to curate your life and become the girl of your dreams.
Speaker 1:You journal and I literally hated journaling. I injured my right hand in an accident a couple of years ago and ever since then I wasn't really writing much, to be honest with you. But this got me back to writing Pen paper. Write down three pages nonstop, matfakkarish, matfakkarish, khalis Ektebi your thoughts, your flow of thoughts. Okay, for three pages every single day and watch how you can organize your life. Everything becomes clear. You know what you need to do. You know what you don't need to do. It is an incredible tool and a miraculous tool that I personally didn't even believe in. But at the end of the day, let me tell you something. It was an uncomfortable thing and I thought journaling this morning was a big deal. Why should I write what I'm feeling? What if someone finds it? Honestly, guys, this is a major life hack to be the girl.
Speaker 1:My next one is waking up early. Okay, this one is a really tough one because it's something that I did for a very long time, religiously. I woke up at 5 am every day, read the 5 am club. I interviewed Robin Sharma during Egypt's entrepreneur awards in 2022, and he's a brilliant man, very nice man, and he practices what he preaches. But I live in Cairo and Cairo is a city that never sleeps or whatever. Um, I'm excited. How am I expected to wake up at 5 am the next day? It depends on your culture. It depends on the city that you live in and as Arabs in general, we have a very like late night staying routine. But my real tip for this is, instead of joining the 5 am club and every single day waking up early, you can have a day in the week where you need to get up early and set the tone for your week. This is my biggest piece of advice for the girl routine. It's not about every day and it will never be best. It's about once a week to set the tone, okay.
Speaker 1:So the next thing is the power of silence. This is major because it took me forever to master and I'm a yapper like I like talking, I like yapping, I'm a podcaster, this is my job, but sometimes silence is your biggest and most powerful tool. Fi aw et. Listen to the other conversations and just know when to zip it. Do not talk, don't try to fill the silence, don't try to add unnecessary comments, don't even try to entertain. This is what I'm trying to get to.
Speaker 1:Women fall into the trap of feeling like they need to be the entertainer, and you're not the entertainer. That's not your role. Your role is to be a strong and independent woman and let whoever else is around you entertain you. Ultimately, being the girl is not about being the center of attention. It's not about trying to be the smartest, best looking, whatever in the room. It's about holding your own and being comfortable with yourself. The biggest sign of being comfortable with yourself is being comfortable in silence. Sometimes you're sitting, you're chilling alone with people, with friends, with partners, whatever. You don't need to fill the silence. You can can just enjoy it. But God, this is a life changer and I feel the girls that are just talking, talking, talking, talking, and there's no point reminds me of that. Devil wears Prada reference, where she says you're doing this and you should be doing this, okay.
Speaker 1:Next point and I only have like two more is the idea of curating your life or editing your life, people and all. So this one is it goes back to a lot of things that I talk about regularly on my solos, actually, guys, but this is a point that I will harp on about forever which is Back to the boundaries and blocking episode, back to the leveling up episode. Essentially, it's the idea of making sure that you're surrounded by people who really inspire you and bring you up. My podcast it strikes a balance between getting to know someone as a person and getting to know their successes and their work, and I try to inspire you in a positive way. I don't like to deal with the negativity unless you absolutely have to, and certain people will bring you that. So my tip is خلوا بالكوا أوي أنتو بتعادوا كتير مع أمين. بتكلموا مع أمين.
Speaker 1:Who do you share your dreams with? And this is something that, if you want to be the girl of your dreams, you're never going to get to if you are not careful of Okay. Want to be the girl of your dreams, you're never going to get to if you are not careful of okay for editing your life, curating your life, people and all is a really important one, okay, guys, my last point for being the girl is something that I mentioned in episode one, but I'm gonna come back to it which is I want you to sit back and relax and stop trying to be the fun girl, stop trying to entertain, stop trying to be the girl that's like so fun and all of this like, but god, this does not help anyone. If you are a tiktoker, okay, great, then that's your job to entertain. But in general, just be yourself, like that is the most essential and difficult thing to reach and so cliche to say.
Speaker 1:But if you're trying to be the fun girl, the smart girl, uh, the hot girl, a certain character, yani, whatever the character is, okay, you're not being yourself and essentially it shows so. In order to avoid all of this, I really think that consuming less content, first of all, is really important. Surrounding yourself with people that you actually feel inspired by or that support your dreams, and finally doing a date with yourself, figuring out who you really are and presenting that way. That is all the beginning of coming back to yourself, coming back to the girl of your dreams, rather than the girls that you look at on social media and you think I wish I could be her someday, or I want to be her someday, when that is actually not possible, never will be, because you're not her, you're you. So that's my episode on how to be the girl, part two. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you guys in my next solo Bye.